I work in a co-operative and would like to take part in the survey

Link to questionnaire coming soon


I have a question/comment
Contact the WE-COOP team:
+33 6 15 32 99 03

Survey results
The results will be available on the website at the end of the survey.

The survey is currently being prepared and will start at the beginning of 2025!

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You will be able to participate in three different and complementary ways:

1. Complete the online questionnaire (from May 2025)

It will be available online, but can also be completed by telephone.
All women employees in French cooperatives are invited to take part!
The results of the survey will be published on the WE-COOP website and a brochure summarising the main findings will be made available to everyone.

2. Give your oral testimony during a 1-hour interview (from September 2025)

All you have to do is leave your contact details at the end of the questionnaire or contact us: we’ll come and collect your testimonial at a time that suits you best! It will take about 1 hour.

3. Volunteer to participate in the elaboration of the survey (September 2025)

We will be recruiting a group of 15 volunteers to produce together part 2 of the survey.

This will involve:

  • a one-day workshop (fully paid for) to discuss the interview grid and the most important questions to be asked
  • conducting a few of interviews in pairs (volunteer co-operator/researcher) with the co-operators who agreed to give their testimonies

A closing workshop will also be organised (fully paid for) to discuss the research and a podcast of several episodes will be developed to disseminate the results to the general public.

To participate, simply leave your contact details at the end of the questionnaire or contact us directly now!

All in all, it will take two one-day workshops and a few 1-hour interviews that we will carry out with your colleagues in your Scop and/or in Scops near you.


There are no questions matching your query or you do not have permission to read them.