

Ada Reichhart

PI WE-COOP (ERC StG 2023-28), University of Strasbourg

Ada is the Principal Investigator of the WE-COOP project (ERC StG 2023-28). She is a researcher at the SAGE laboratory (UMR 7363) at the University of Strasbourg. Her research focuses on social critiques of labor and intersectional approaches to power relations at work, exploring workplace utopias and the emancipatory and/or resistance practices of workers, particularly the study of democratic forms of work organization (worker co-operatives, autogestion, feminist utopias at work).

Elodie Floury

Research Engineer, University of Strasbourg

Elodie raduated with a Master’s degree in demography in 2021 and works in social science research and statistical surveys. Her role in the WE-COOP project is to carry out a survey of women workers in co-operatives, and to analyse and present the results.

Marie Muhlmeyer

Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Strasbourg

After studying political science and information and communication science, Marie defended her PHD on ‘Representations of women living with HIV in the French daily press (1997-2015)’ at the Elico laboratory (Lyon 2) under the supervision of Isabelle Garcin-Marrou in December 2023. Her research topics include gender and representations/imaginaries, with an interest in community health issues.

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